



What’s your opinion on this? この件についてあなたのご意見をお話しいただけますか。
What dou you think about this? この件についてあなたのご意見をお話しいただけますか。
How do you feel about this? この件についてあなたのご意見をお話しいただけますか。
Has anyone else got any thoughts on this? この件についてあなたのご意見をお話しいただけますか。
What/How about~?/Waht do you think/feel about~? ~についてどう思う?



you should~ ~すべきだ
you had better ~すべきだ
can’t you~ ~すべきだ
shall we/I~? ~しませんか?
Why don’t you~? ~すべきだ(なぜそうしない?)



I think~, because~/I don’t think~, because~
I think so too. 私もそう思います
I think It’s good. (私もそれが良いと思います)
It’s good~ ~は良い。
It’s best idea~ ~はいい考えだ。
It’s not good bocause~ それは良くない。なぜなら~
I feel~ ~だと感じた。
I believe~ ~だと信じている。
1 That’s right.
2 I (totally) agree.
3 I see your point.
4 I know exactly what you mean.
1 Sorry.I don’t agree.
2 That’s a good point, bud~
3 I’m not sure about that~
4 I don’t think~



If you~, I will ~ もしあなたが~するなら、私も~するだろう
例:If you give me money, I will be your friends. もしあなたがお金をくれるなら、あなたの友人になろう。


<These are phrases that you use when you are introducing a co-worker to someone.>

【John Wedge】
Allow me to introduce Mary.She’s one of our development engineers.
Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us.(この度は貴重なお時間をいただきありがとうございます)

「This is Mary.She is~」でもいいが上記のほうがより丁寧。他の表現は以下のとおり。
I’d like you to meet Mary. She’s one of our development engineers.
Before we start, let me introduce you to Mary. She’s one of our development engineers.

We appreciate your time this morning.

<Explaining the purpose of exchanging each opinion.>

【Dr. Takamatsu】
What kinds of opinions will you be exchanging with people from other companies?
Can you tell me?
(What would you like to learn from me, and what would you like to tell me?)
(I want you to tell me.)

【John Wedge】
You are knowledgeable about Infectious disease countermeasures.(あなたは感染症対策についてお詳しいです)
Could you tell me about how to prevent the new virus?(新型ウイルスの防ぎ方について教えて欲しいです)

【Dr. Takamatsu】
Of course, what would you like to know?
Could you ask me some specific questions about the new virus?
Or about anything else you might like to know?
Do you have any suggestions for how to prevent the new virus?
